The MCL cookbooks are ready! Thank you to everyone who submitted a recipe.
The cookbooks will be $15 per copy, with the detachment getting a percentage of each sale.
Please spread the word about the books, and let me know if you want to purchase a copy. We need to know how many to commit to purchasing.
Semper Fi,
Mary Archey
2018 Toys for Tots Campain was … to say the least… OUTSTANDING !!! Mission Accomplished
(until next year.. rest up Marines!)
PA Marine Corps League 2017 Service and Open Pistol Matches
* U.S. Service Pistol Match use any similar manufactures model;
1) Colt 1911 .45 cal. semi-auto,
2) Beretta 9mm 92S or 92F,
3) S&W model 10, 12, 13 revolver .38 cal. 4″ barrel.
Detachment shooters in the Service Pistol Match;
Robin Gilmore, Grant Cantrell, Micheal Potoka.
Robin Gilmore winner of the 3rd Place individual
Service Pistol Match trophy.
Open Pistol Match;
Shot with any hand gun over .22 cal. and less than .50 cal.
Detachment shooters in the Open Pistol Match;
Robin Gilmore, Grant Cantrell, Michael Potoka.
Robin ‘Cherokee’ Gilmore winner of the 6th Place individual
Open Pistol trophy.
Meeting night update:
Due to the forecast of ‘wintery mix’ weather for tomorrow afternoon/evening,
our detachment meeting will be held on Monday, 15 January 2018.
Please spread the word, especially to those without email.
Stop by Waltz Golf Farm in Limerick July 4th to say hello!
Our Marines will be handing out American Flags and accepting donations that will be used to support our local Veterans.
We will be “on duty” from 4 pm ’till the fireworks begin. (If you’ve never seen the Waltz fireworks display, you don’t know what you’re missing! )
Photos from this years trip to the Reading Phillies Game:
Thank you Mary for all your planning for this event, we all had a great time!
We had a great time last night, thank you Mary for all your hard work putting this together! Please check “photos” page for pictures from the game night and fireworks!
Pron / Seton Detachment Night at the Reading Phillies!!!
DATE: Saturday, June 4th at 6:30 p.m.
1900 Centre Ave, Reading, PA 19612
May 21, 2106
Edgewood Cemetery 106 Edgewood Street Pottstown
Flag placement on veterans’ graves
Link to Article about Pottstown students and residents that helped to clean up Edgewood Cemetery
Wine and Spirits Store 200 W Ridge Pike Royersford
Chuck Stanko / Joan Alexander / Mark Alexander
Mary Archey / Bob Lohr
Here is the updated information on MoH Grove cleanup. There will be a very short ceremony with Senator Dinniman to kick off, then some light clean-up. You can stay for whatever time you are available. Clean-up is light raking, or wiping down the obelisks, or just making notes of ground plaques that need to be replaced. Whatever is in your comfort zone.
Let’s gather right after the ceremony for a detachment picture.
Hi Friends,
Everything points to a dry cleanup on Sat. Be at the gatehouse for our brief 845a celebration.
Change in plans for cleanup tasks. Due to the recent rain, we will not be filling topsoil along the roadways.
We want to thank Devon Troop 50 for their cleanup of the southern states last Sat.
Branch pickup and removal to compost site
Weed whacking in specific areas
Inventory of ground plaques
Tools needed:
Gas Weed Whackers
Gas Leaf Blowers
Appropriate footwear for the woods – no flip flops
Order your Friends 5th Anniversary book
A copy of our book will be available to view at the cleanup. The cost is $35. It’s a 26 page hardback book filled with our history beginning
with the 2010 cleanup (when many of us first met), the beginning of the Friends in June 2011 thru June 2016. It’s filled with photos of our events, cleanups and the recipients who have visited the Grove. We ask that you pre-pay if you’d like to order.
Contact Elaine at . You can bring a check on Sat or if you can’t make the cleanup, order online through paypal or send a check. Info here on payment methods.
The book order will be placed May 21st.
Attached is a copy of book cover.
See you Saturday!
Friends of the Medal of Honor Grove
LIKE us on
You are invited to the
Vietnam War Commemoration Program
RSVP 215-737-5700 to attend or get more info
12/6/15 King of Prussia, PA …Toys for Tots
11/10/15 10 DAV Fundraiser for SE Veteran’s Center Fundraiser .. pass the word
Hello Wreaths Across America – Indiantown Gap National Cemetery Friends and Supporters,
It is that time of year again – when we go full force on our effort to achieve our ultimate goal of placing a wreath on every grave at the Indiantown Gap National Cemetery to honor our fallen heroes.
As some of you may recall, Lisa and I stepped down at the end of last year as the Location Leaders for IGNC…apparently that was not meant to be…so we are honored to try and help coordinate the event again this year.
Please print the attached flyer and post it, hand it out, or make one of your own to help spread the word about your fundraising group and/or organizations’ help in placing wreaths again this year.
Thank you in advance for all of your efforts this year! It will be amazing again because of your help through your time and talents.
All the best,
John and Lisa
10/17/15 Clean Up at Medal of Honor Grove
The Annual Cleanup for the Medal of Honor Grove will be held on Oct. 17, 2015. Please RSVP if you are planning on attending as a lunch will be provided for the volunteers. Please RSVP by Sunday, Oct 4th, if you think you’ll be joining us.
email: ">
We want to thank and celebrate you and all you do to assist us in the care of the Grove.
Thanks and see you in the Grove!
Friends of the Medal of Honor Grove LIKE us on Facebook
Marine four-star takes over military’s top job
The uniformed military’s top job changed hands Friday as Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford assumed command as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
As chairman, Dunford will serve as the principle military adviser to the president. Dunford recently left his post as commandant of the Marine Corps and is also a former top commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
During the change of command at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall near the Pentagon in Northern Virginia, Dunford made only brief remarks, saying he was “humbled by the opportunity” to serve the more than 2 million service members in today’s force and vowing that his “focus will be to provide them with the leadership and support they deserve.”
The 59-year-old Boston native also singled out “my mom and dad,” who attended the change-of-command ceremony. Dunford attributed his professional success to the “result of my mother’s discipline and exacting standards.”
Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke of an incident from Dunford’s tenure as commander of the Corps’ 5th Marine Regiment early in the Iraq War.
“Joe refused armor inserts in his flak-jacket until every Marine under his command was issued a pair,” Carter said. “That story says more than any of us ever could about the character and leadership of this great man. Humble. Strong. Centered. Always faithful to his people and mission.”
Dunford will be the 19th chairman of the Joint Chiefs as Army Gen. Martin Dempsey steps down after four years as chairman and retires after 41 years in the Army.
Dempsey served briefly as the Army chief of staff and in Iraq as a division commander, and later headed the effort to train the Iraqi army as leader of the Multi-National Security Transition Command from 2005 to 2007.
During his four-year tenure, Dempsey helped conclude the 2011 withdrawal from Iraq, wind down the combat mission in Afghanistan and formulate a military response to the rise of the Islamic State extremist group.
“Over the past four years, Marty’s vision, wisdom and character have helped lead the greatest fighting force the world has ever known,” President Obama said at the ceremony.
Gen. Robert Neller gives Marines first marching order as commandant: ‘Let’s go do this’
ATTENTION! Unfortunately, this year’s golf outing has been Cancelled. Please watch our site for updates.
3rd Annual Frank Nolen Golf Outing
Monday Aug. 17, 2015
Contact Mary Archey ; Bob Lohr or Rich Pachella Richpach@hotmail for more info.
This event is a tribute to all veterans of the United States of America Charity fundraiser to benefit Wounded Warriors.
The George Pron / Paul Seton Detachment staffed a booth at the Kimberton Fair again this year and were lookin’ good!!!
Below are the Raffle Prizes and Winners:
Mossberg Shotgun: Danny Atkinson
Stoeger Shotgun: Ben Martin
50/50 Drawing: G. Dobson
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this event a success!
Event Details:
The Sandtrap Grille – Limerick Golf Club
765 N. Lewis Road, Limerick, PA 19468
April 12th – Doors Open at 6 pm
$50 -Texas Holdem – Cash Prizes
$35 – No Poker
50/50 Drawing & Door PrizesProceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.
Charlie Moore – 484-369-1362
Travis Wilkerson – 610-613-0483